Welcome to the Candy Butt Association!
This is a phun site with emphasis on MotoBiking, Eating, Friendship, and Celebration of Life.
Originally, the intent was to poke real Phun at the Iron Butt Association and all the IBA peeps (you know the kind, aux tanks, monkey-butts, big bright lights, IBA license plate frames, dirty old stinky riding gear..) but then I thought, what the hell, whether you're a pirate or power ranger, or candy butt, we all ride.
When first the site went live, some peeps didn't realize I was simply making a parody of, poking at, the IBA, and sent me money expecting CBA hats, pins, membership card, and year-end riding motobash/party! Quickly, all $$ were returned and the statement in red, below, was published... <LOL>.. Maybe someday, when I retire out, and have more time, this site can be more interactive...
Hey, something happened - I'm retired now! Now time is available to update the old CBA site, add some new features, kill some unused features off...
Enjoy, drop on by from time to time, say hi to some old and new friends..
Ps – this is all a joke. If you are a proud IBA member don't get your rear in a roar. If it is in a roar, apply more Monkey Butt powder.