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2021-04-28 Peachy Paso Hare

2021-04-28 Peachy Paso Hare

Barrie had a root canal day previous. Only 3 intrepid riders responded to the call.

Fearless leader Steve had an early AM doc appt, so 10:30 AM meetup at Cider Creek bakery.

On Wabs, so let's hit some dirt roads..

Looking north to Paso Robles, CA.

Peachy Canyon.

New winery.


Nice tree canopies.

Willow road.

Old school.

It's fun to ride roads 'backwards' from 'normal'.. almost like a new ride.

Dave was shaking in his boots... soft dirt, and look, a lake, I should take a picture! :)

No Rocking Robles lunch today. Closed until 4pm. WTFO? The deli next door in the store had good food too though...

Up and over the hill.

We were such good boyz.. actually waited for the long red to end before crossing..

CockAdoddle Do to You!

Into Bradley.

Salinas river.


Brown-town is just around the corner.

My next house will be here..

Steve bailed in Paso, Dave bailed for 101 in Templeton, I headed back via 41.

A fun day, and the sciatica attack is at least tolerable now..



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