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2021-06-05 Adios AAA

I've had AAA roadside for decades. Always premium so motorcycles are included and a 200 mile tow range. Which is all good. Except.

Yesterday KrZy8 left me stranded north of Ragged Point, south of Gorda. No cell phone reception or charging circuit, 8 vdc on battery.

One couple spent 25 minutes on a borrowed phone from restaurant trying to reach AAA dispatch. Never got through before the manager wanted his phone back.

My bud rode back to Ragged Point, called AAA dispatch, got through immediately, a good thing. (AT&T had service, not Verizon). Dispatch said about 1 hour 15 minutes before truck arrival.

I managed to get back to Ragged Point with KrZy8.

Over 1.5 hours later, get a call from AAA dispatch wondering where to send a tow truck? WTFO? 

Attempted to contact AAA dispatch to let them know I was at Ragged Point, not north of RR. 

Two freaking hours later, NEVER GOT THROUGH.. ON HOLD. 

Gave up on useless AAA, charged KrZy8 battery via jumper cables, then ran total loss ignition until engine quit. 

When I got in cell service zone, a phone call. It's Cambria Towing.. On the road and looking for me! WTFO, Cambria Towing has only a tow truck, not a flatbed, it's been > 4 hours since initial phone call to AAA dispatch. Told him we cancelled via AAA mobile app, he said words I won't repeat here about AAA. And I agree with him.

One more 'Tesla Recharge' from my bud's Tenere, made it home.

I'll say it once again, AAA sucked. 

A quick search shows Geico and Allstate have Roadside service plans, I use both for insurance needs. Allstate has good reviews.

Adios AAA, you are fired.

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