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2011-03-27 WheatonFJR does Paso Hotels


So old WheatonFJR n' crew are rolling into my hood and I won't be available to show them the hood due to work. Call me low-life. Guess I could at least take some piccies of the various hotels in Paso so they can see what they booked.. smiley

Paso is a small town, one main drag runs South/North. The only 'bad' part of town is towards the far north, east end. And it's not really all THAT bad, compared. But I wouldn't park my FJR out there at night, either.

This is the Best Western, north end of town where 41 West intersects. You guys will most likely be coming up 101 North, so this report is a bit ass-backward if you will. Good food for reasonable price found at Margies, and a BBQ smoke house, both walking distance. Lesser Q food like Subway, KFC are available to too. And Good Ol' Burgers will provide a gut bomb to absorb all the Whiskey for later in the night..

Travelodge - on the main drag, Spring Street. Not too much up on the north side to see. Hmm. Wilson's restaurant, good food, reasonable priced, been there since the 50's and bowling alley thing nearby.

Up from Travelodge is Budget INN and MOTEL. How yah feeling, Wheatieboy?

Budget INN - AAA and boasts of remodeled rooms. I wonder if RenoJohn was available for the remodeling gig? If so, be careful of the sheets.

the Town House Motel - hmmm, kinda looks kool.

..and they have ALL COLOR TV!

After I had breakkie at Wilsons (the BEST chef salad EVER) it was off to document the south end of Paso hotels. The Economy Inn, actually more in the center of town as I'm heading south down Spring street now.

Spend a little extra and stay here? Been around forever, the best restaurants in walking distance, movie theater, park, old town Paso downtown. If you stay here, take a pix of the Metrology Station. It's never been wrong.

Getting towards the way south end now.. Melody Ranch looks clean and kinda nice in an old skool way.

..and the Farm House! Lolo's Mex restaurant not too far away (walk able) but definitely not the Paso Robles Inn

Well, that's all I got. Hope it helps!

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