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2021-07-16 Kz1300 Overheating Fixed?


Kz1300 Overheating Issue Fixed?

Test ride after Radiator Flush and Thermostat test. Left heat deflectors and barn door fairing off. Here's the theory.. Single walled exhaust instead of double wall and heat
deflectors are 'trapping' the hot air and the headers are heating up the radiator directly.


  1. Ambient temp 98 - 100 F
  2. Slight cross wind
  3. Fan in 'Auto' position

First off, a nice easy 45 - 50 mph ride at odometer reading 0. Temp coming up.

Mile 2, slight up hill pull. Still good.

Mile 3, half scale. Looking better than it has in a very long time..

Mile 4, slightly over 50% - very encouraging. By now, in the past, fan would be on, temp gauge in zone between normal operating and hot...

Temps continuing to climb, but in the OK zone, mile 9.4 at 30-45 mph. So far, so GOOD!

Ok then, let's stress test the bitch. 10 - 15 mph, less air flow. 10.2 miles, about 2 needles width below normal operating temp upper limit.

Mile 10.5, almost to the fan.

At 11 miles, fan is on. Too bad the voltmeter didn't photograph. Temperature staying upper normal range, a very good thing!

11.2 miles, still hanging in there! smiley

12 miles, or stated another way, 2 miles at 10 - 15 mph and she never got past this mark!

Next steps:

  1. Install heat deflectors and test again, same road and as close to ambient temps as possible
  2. Install fairing and test again, same road and as close to ambient temps as possible
  3. Heat wrap headers on area closest to lower radiator
  4. Dump the barn door fairing and put a bikini fairing on, lose the top box too!

Very happy right about now!

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