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2021-07-28 Ignition Harness Meltdown


20201-07-28 KrZy8 Ignition Harness Meltdown

At first startup for a Wednesday Barries Boyz ride, thought I smelt an electrical short.
Then, a small whiff of smoke from under tank, RHS.

Since I had just plugged my new iPhone 12 into the GPS harness, first time, was
hoping it was that and rode away.

Had a nice breakfast then rode to get gas.

At gas station, more smoke.

Decided to ride KrZy8 home.. but as I passed by Vons, decided I'd rather be broke down with
food, bathroom, and a nice green lawn instead of on the shoulder of hwy 41.

Used AAA phone app, they actually came throgh this time.

Got home, lifted tank, found this. It's an aftermarket relay from my bud Brodie, Ersatz Electronics.
Apparently the connectors I used were not capable of handling current.

These wires essentially conduct via relay contacts, so melting together isn't the issue.
But when the bare wire contacted a ground, Lucas let the smoke out..

After years of heat cycles, the insulation had pulled back on the connector interfacing OEM harness.

The entire relay assembly and wiring harness.

Serial number 1!

Relay part number.

And tab arrangement.

All cleaned up. Removed wires from connector, used heat shrink to insulate exposed wires.
Used waterproof crimped connectors with electrical tape overlay.

Less than 3k miles to remain to reach 250,000! 

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