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2021-08-11 Morro Bay Lodging


MadMike and new bride April are visiting Morro Bay 2021-08-14 and wanted Morro Bay recon.
Here it is!


Good Mex food in Cayuos, just north of Morro Bay.

Also in Cayucous, Sea Shanty. Yes, they have sea food but also really good home cooked other food too.


Morro Bay, north end, too far from 'downtown' to walk', but less expensive hotels.


Closer to walking distance e.g. the strand. About 3 blocks to beach and 1 block south to touristy stuff.


Closer yet, but not sure, never been in a room.

This looks better than the previous pic.

Not a Mom n Pop, probably $$$.

My choice. Smaller, cozy, GREAT view, 1 block from food, boardwalk, ocean.

View from The Landing. Morro rock in background.

Dorns. Great food, walking distance. Large menu choice.

2nd choice.

All depends upon $$ vs. location.

View from Comfort Inn. By contrast, The Landing is one block north.

Riding the main drag, this is actually a huge chess board on the ground.


This might be good too!

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