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2021-10-15 RF brake piston 'jog', Reserve petcock fixed


The other day, at C&H cycle, Herb noticed the Reserve function was only dribbling fuel. Pulled the petcock off, it sources reserve not from the vertical brass tube but from the petcock base bottom. That was plugged, so cleaned it out and eagerly re-installed, basking in my infinite technical abilities.

Alas, it still dribbled like well, you know.

No problem, previous owner Gary had a new OEM waitnig to go from the parts bin. But NO, not the right petcock. It's for an 82, won't fit an 81. 

So back to repair mode. 

Noticed the 82 petcock had a black 'ring', maybe o-ring, farther up the screen housing than the 81. Looking at the 81 realized that 'ring' had slid down, effectively blocking the fuel.

After BrakeKleen, compressed air, and moving the 'ring' where it should be, I now have good Reserve flow! WooHoo.

The front brakes squeal under light load. Looking at both rotors, decided the RHS was the culprit so removed the pads and touched them up with 'roughing' file. Cleaned the rotor real good too. Noticed the pistons are very sticky so new ones need be found and installed. 

Rolled the CBX off the lift and SQUEEEEEEEEK! So nothing is fixed there. Yet.


Reserve port was clogged with gunk. Cleaned it up.

Noticed this black 'thing' (o-ring) in the Reserve section of the screen. WTFO?

Hmmm. One is not like other. Unit on right is for 1982 CBX not 1981. Moved the o-ring up using a
small screwdriver.



While on the lift, removed RHS shoes and roughed them up to remove glaze. Hopefully that 
will fix the squeeeek.

PIc of CBX brakepad part number.



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