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2021-12-07 Clutch Slave Cylinder


KrZy8 Leaky Clutch Slave Cylinder

Catching up on posting. Nov 26 2021 put KrZy8 on lift for minor 'stuff'. Overnight, noticed clutch slave cylinder leaking.

Installed a Gen 1 clutch slave cylinder (csv) I had laing around. Don't like it. Not enought 'throw' for full clutch disengagement.

Gen 2 and up have smaller diameter piston enabling more throw.

Posted up on fjrforum and fjriders looking for good used gen 2 csv.

Nice guy rbentail replied free to me for shipping! WooHoo! Thanks bud!

Cleaned it up and installed but.

The rubber 'cup' wasn't in the right location and I wasn't smart enough to figure it out.. 

So installed it as-is and of course it leaked like a seave.

Cleaned up ready for install. Rubber cup not located correctly.. Should be behind metal flange to left.. Sigh.

It looks good, rubber soft and pliable.

Pushrod came with package too, thank you.. But was chicken to pull existing one out for fear of something 'dropping' into crankcases...

A better pic of pushrod.

After install and bleeding with rubber cup incorrectly, put gen 1 back on.

Some times, it's just better to quit for the night and start again...

So then, tonight re-installed rbentals 07 csv with correctly located rubber seal...

...and just could not get it to fully bleed with firm clutch lever immediatel after lever pull.


I would bleed but everytime got a 'gulp' of air bubble in the line and the lever would not get 'firm' from initial pull. 


So removed it and put the gen 1 csv back on.

















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