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2021-10-18 Steves KTM 690 Pics




Steve's 2012 KTM 690 R Pics

About 5 years ago mentioned to my bud Steve I was looking for a bike more dirty than the DL650, yet not as hard dirt focused as the ATK.

Steve replied, my KTM is for sale!

Then, well, you know, life happens.

Steve moves to Thailand. I don't really have room.

Then, the conversation starts back up..

Anyway, here's Steve's pics of the sale items..

Oil Filter new

518 miles. Needs first service!

Two sets of tires, one new, one barely used


Plastic box chock full o' gear

Spare battery (turned out be flat, but oh well!)

Soft saddlebags

Seat concepts seat

KTM tie downs

Digital FSM

Joe Hauler receiver hitch size

Light on the Joe Hauler

Joe Hauler 15/16 tightening nut (takes up slack in receiver)

Pics of the Joe Hauler

New Fat Bar orange handlebar

New tires mounted and aftermarket inner fender

Gas cap!

Complete key set

..and custom key fob, of course!

LED aux lights

Fuzeblock relay/fuse block


Aftermarket rear link

Seat has no tears

Swivel pegs

Orange bling everywhere

Garmin 590 mounted and operational. Handy, as that's the GPS I'm running!

Bag o' stuff

KTM stand

and helmet

Box full o' goodies

Tires galore

70/30?  new tires installed

Rim tape? Check.

Aftermarket took box

Two lockable RotaPaks and soft bags, with mounting hardware

Small and large rear rack

and there is much more...  will post up later

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