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2022-01-30 Fairing Lid Repair and Cylinder Base Gasket Leak


So, two things.

1. Decided to place two 'RotoPak' gas containers in the KZ fairing. No issues other than A) too much weight Phucked up the handling, and B) the RHS tank shifted, jamming the lock mechanism, requiring C)
drilling out the rivets which D) let to re-riveting out of alignment so that not all fastening hinge screws could be installed. Phuck Me.

On a good note, the mighty KZ is burning less oil, are the rings finally settling in? 
And MPG increased from 28.8 to 33.3, about normal IIRC.

After about 150 miles of riding, 1/2 down on oil consumption. Sigh.

Rivets drilled out, using Dremel took and right angle adapter.

Such a foolish mistake. Hard to be perfect. Thought it a good idea to carry extra gas in the fairing... NOT!

This hinge kicked my butt. So simple, but NOT!

The captive tank. It slid down, blocking the lock mechanism.

So, after 3 hours, got rivets drilled out, hinge re-installed.
BUT... installed with hinge drilled holes 'slop' not right, so the top screw/nut not in place.

Oh well,

It's hard to be perfect. 

In my case, marginal.

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