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2022-03-01 Wabs CS Seal


2022-03-01 Wabs Countershaft Removal and Replacement

Been leaking for awhile, making a genuine chain lube mess. What it looks like after cleaning most of the muck off.

Drilled two holes, ran two metal screws, not self-trapping as there isn't adequate 'clearance' to the bearing surface due to the cutting bit...

Suprisingly easy to remove. Not much interference fit between seal od and case.

The bearing. I ran the screws in a bit too far, see the dimples on the seal. No harm to actual bearing me thinks and hopes.

Another shot.

New seal installed. Used a special tool Ray donated to me for a great fit and even press fit.

Used my custom CS seal installing tool to ensure the seal is fully seated.

Complete job. Replaced the OEM bolt at upper left with custom 'slotted' one to access with screw driver.
My 1/8" universal swivel drive/socket would not fit to start the OEM bolt.

Happy to say no leaks afterward!


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