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2022-05-04 Front Brakes Sticking


Yesterday, new front brake pads. Nice new Galfer high-end stuff. WooHoo!

Damn, new pads are *alot* thicker than worn out OEM stuff (first clue, 12k bike)

Install new pads RHS. Oh snap, it’s two pads per side so gots to order more pads… but stacked RHS with new pads, dressed up LHS old pads.


Getting them pistons to retreat in the caliper required, umm, ‘mechanical advantage’. As in a wood working adjustable clamp. Not unusual, have had to use before on the FJR’s…

Get new pads installed, caliper too.

Pump up hyd pressure, and while there’s a slight drag when rotating wheel, not *too* bad but more then ‘comfy’.. Then again, new pads on RHS, so screw it, let’s leave as is and see what happens?

Which led to a ride home on a different bike to fetch truck/trailer and retrieve one CBX.

The front brakes dragged enough it didn’t feel safe to ride.. As in fear of a lock up. As in pull the clutch in, come to a stop, as if 25% brake pressure applied.

So now I’m learning hyd brakes. 

So off to skool.

My understanding is the master cylinder has a small ‘bleed’ hole which releases pressure and is easily clogged. On my other bikes, have seen the little MC ‘fountain’ when releasing lever while bleeding brakes. That must be the ‘bleed’ hole. Gotta check the CBX…

…and the square-rings in the slave cylinder actually deform under pressure then relax when released, pushing the piston back, allowing pad to rotor clearance? Fascinating!

………… and sometimes, the actual brake hose can ‘clog’ if the inner liner deteriorates allowing fluid to contact the metal sheathing? 

So, I’m gonna shot gun the issue… LOL.

New seals, pistons, pads for both sides. Organic pads, as OEM rotors are sparse (sintered pads wear out rotors faster?) and pads are plentiful. Organic pads, who knew?

Should probably order new hoses too. Tim’s CBX has complete set of OEM visual identical, front and rear, for $195.

It’s only money, right?

So goes the continuing education of a shade tree tech…


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