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2022-06-04 Spark Plug Readings KZ1300 and Oil Consumption improvement


Almost 180 miles on these plugs.

Thought I'd take a look.

These are looking ALOT better. Perhaps the rings are finally settling in? Oil consumption is down, too.
Before, 1/2 to 3/4 of the window would 'show' after about 200 miles.
This time, it was down by about a tad.. maybe 3 to 4 mm's.


Plug 4 looks and 6 look a tad lean now?

Will pull tank and look for boot leaks.

Well, humble pie time.

Used ColorTune, adjusted #4 for richer. Ok, let's put the plug back in.

BP6ES? Shouldn't it be an '8'?

Why yes, it should. a 6 to ranges hotter than a 8.

So bought some 8's and will put them in, use color tune, adjust all 6 a teeny bit on the fat side and see what happens.

Owners manual is clear - it's a 6.

Comments from, and these guys know their stuff..

But here is the OEM sticker under the seat of my 79 A1...
and interesting the 1.75 pilot screw adjustment vs. the accepted 3 to 3.5?

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