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2022-06-15 Kz1300 Heat Stress and Carb Adj Ride


I know, I know. No one cares about a 79KZ1300 but me on this forum. But... some of ya'll are motoheads..

So here we go - Been fighting an overheating problem forever on this bike. Made a bunch o' mods and today, finally, a true 'heat stress test'. Local forecast 100+F weather. Ok, let's test it and break it or call it good?

Also, made serious carb changes to fatten up 3 cylinder running really lean. Why lean now? I think the rings are finally seating in. Less oil to burn, leaner idle pilot jet adjustments = white hot plugs? Used a ColorTune to adjust all 6 holes. Afterwards, the idle is a bit 'lumpy', but she ran GREAT from idle to redline. AND... no overheating. Max temp 220 while idling through SLO..

Will pull plugs and report back later... when it cools down.. still HOT outside..

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