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2022-08-10 Kiler Canyon - Lost

Had some fun exploring Kiler Canyon yesterday on the KTM 690 Enduro R.

  • Thought it was pavement. NOT.
  • Thought the  graded, county maintained road would go all the way through. NOT.
  • WTFO? How did this turn into a goat trail?
  • WTFO2? How come this feels like I’m on private property?
  • WTFO3? Shit! Which of these 3 trails did I ride in on?
  • WTFO4? NFW did I ride down this steep hill I’m now trying to climb. Must have chosen wrong road/trail. Been a loooong time since I’ve been stuck on a hill. On private property!
  • Couldn’t imagine being on a heavier bike, think DL650, GSA, etc.
  • WTFO5? GPS is useless when it prompts ‘Proceed to Route’. Ifn I knew the route, I wouldn’t be asking for directions you worthless POS!
  • Whew! Found my way out!
  • WTFO6? How did I miss the sign(s) pointing me to Kyler Canyon?

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