The saga continues. Progress is slow.
104 F summer temps, constant runs to town for parts.
Fuel transfer station wiring works. Need to protect some wire bundles, apply liquid electrical tape to connectors, general clean up.
Went to Palladin sheet metal in Paso, Richard cut two pieces for me.
The white stip is RV moulding, aluminum, will use for a fender brace.
See the cans of foam? Wear gloves! That shit does NOT come off fingers!
The black piece is remains of fender brace.
This bracket was folded over by tire, too close to tire for comfort. Big pipe wrench and small sledge.. Good enough.
Not easy to work from ground these days..
Miners Hardware store for insulation. Found a broken packet, 'damaged goods'. The guy was good enough to cut me section, 3 bucks!
Stapeled in place!
Actually, better than new.
Rear section.
Nasty-Ass foam.
Stuff works good though..
Front section installed. Screws to right are self-tappers into metal frame.
Maybe a wee bit too much foam? :)
Getting closer.. will be happy when job is finished!
Always a good sign when the tire is rolled over for fit test.
More to come...