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2022-08-20 NiceCNC Pegs Don't Fit





Ordered these pegs from Amazon

To replace these pegs made by 'Pivot Peg's' which rotate slightly front to back... they pivot. 
I hate them.
They Red indicates the differences between Nice CNC (NCNC) and the Pivot Pegs (PP).

In this pic, the peg is folded up.

and down position.

The NCNC pegs are completely different and don't allow the peg to fold up.

Returned via Amazon w/ free shipping!  

2023-06-05 Replacement Pegs Don't Fit

New replacement pegs arrived. They didn't work either.

How the spring is supposed to look.

...and fit.

Replacement pegs. No good.

They did fit into the frame tabs and the hole is correct, but the spring is no bueno.
It might be this spring is unique to the 'pivot pegs'. But, since the kit contains no
hardware other than the pegs...


They are going back for a full refund.

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