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2022-08-31 Honda CBX Voltmeter 'Wiggle' NOT FIXED YET

1980 CBX, 13k miles. Voltmeter 'swings' ~ 1 to 3 needle widths about 20 minutes into a ride. I don't recall this happening, but maybe I never looked?
Bought the bike with 5k miles on it, tore it down, lubricated every pivot/movement point and did alternator upgrades too.
OEM stator/regulator. 
Clutch plates machined flat. Battery load tests SAT. Connectors clean, but will check all in-circuit connectors and battery terminals in a bit. (It's 108F outside right now).
If key is left on, hi-beam on, for ~5 minutes bike easily starts and voltmeter, at 3 - 4 k rpm reads just a <steady, rock solid> tad over 12 Vdc, which is actually 13.1 to 14.1 at battery, measured by Fluke 87 DMM. In other words, if charging the battery, the needle is rock solid.
Anyone else notice voltmeter needle 'swing' or 'wiggle' once (assumedly) the battery is at full charge?
Sorry for blurry video, the camera didn't focus.
All ideas appreciated, TIA, Don





2022-09-03 Voltmeter 'Wiggle' Fixed

Lifted seat found these turn signal wires frayed. Could the partially be shorting, causing the wiggle?
Probably not. Shouldn't have power on any wire unless turn signal switch is on? I think?

The seat must have somenhow been in contact, rubbing the insulation off.

Both sides.

Should have taken pic of seat belly. There are 'tabs' in the area but still.
Don't see any other routing option either?

Applied liquid electrical tape, let it dry, then electrical tape, then this loom.

Will replace the loom later with heat shrink so it looks more OEM stock.

Also disconnected all connectors around the RR, cleaned, applied DeOxit cleaner/lube/preservative.

All of this, I still don't think was the cause.
Rather, I found the battery ground kinda snug but not 'tight'.


I had posted on ICOA FB group, and got great responses back, including this:

"Interestingly, I had to disconnect the negative battery cable from the engine for some reason in the process, can't remember why. When I reassembled I stupidly forgot to correctly tighten the negative battery cable bolt to the engine. Result: fluctuating charge current detected by a fluctuating voltmeter due to a poor connection."

Long of Short, put 120 miles on yesterday, the needle is rock solid.



Went on a local ride. All was good until about 1 hour or 1.5 hours in. Then the wiggle came back. 

  • Tapped the voltmeter while underway, wiggle wiggle.
  • Seems to wiggle more on a bumpy road
  • At speed, pulled clutch in, at 1000 rpm no wiggle.. so it's electrical not mechanical. Raise RPM and charging, wiggle waggle.

Maybe a new battery?

Check connections again?


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