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2022-11-29 Prepping R69S for First Ride!


2022-11-29 Prepping R69S for First Ride!

Well then, July 2017 the R69S was at Scottie's Workshop.

What a disaster that experience was. 10,000 dollars for engine rebuild, trans, new rims and spokes.
The bike sat for a bit, short of a year, when fired up the LHS cylinder was knocking hard.

Murph's BMW found a stuck valve, too tight in guide, and RHS case at cylinder has two horrible trenches, err.. scratches.
Lots o' stuff that didn't look cool from Scottie's..

So fast forward to late 2022 and it's time to see if the old gurl will ride.

Carb clean up mandatory, even though had been drained before storage.

Interesting air idle jet arrangement.

Fully disassembled carbs, soaked in ultrasonic bath, then final passageway check using Suspension Cleaner and forced air.

She even got new sparking plugs!

ellWwThe 'adjustment' inside the adjustment?
Not sure what the inner one does...

Well, she's ready for a 'test hit' tomorrow...

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