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2022-11-30 First R69S Ride since Restoration

The big day has arrived! After sitting in a Venice Ca garage for years, then me crashing her out in the early 1980's, then Scotties Workshop rebuilding the engine/trans and Ray Slocomb tending to powdercoat, paint, wiring, etc... well, it's time to roll the speedo from 0 to maybe 20 or so?


Wahh, wahhhh, wahhhhhh.

Not a great first ride. 

On the good side..

  1. Trans shifts nicely, all gears work
  2. Brakes are very good, better than the /2
  3. Charging system, turn signals work (forgot to try horn!)
  4. Trans is oil tight

On the Wahh-Wahh side...

  1. RHS cylinder leaking at case base. Murph at Murph's BMW had reported two deep gouges right in the sealing area.. and used both paper and metallic gasket to get a seal.. but to no avail, she losing oil, not horrible bad, but enough to leave a 'spot' on the ground
  2. RHS carb is overflowing
  3. Final drive is leaking into pumpkin

All in all, in hindsight, a good first break in ride. About 12 miles. 


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