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2022-11-26 CBX ParkField Ride


2022-11-26 CBX Ride to Parkfield

I've decided to put every bike into the 'rotation' for riding.

Today was CBX day!

Tank looks's not, although I do kinda like the look..

Hard to believe I've put on 6k miles since I got the CBX..

Pee break.

Ubiquitious Parkfield pic. Me, Brian Louw, David Schwabb, Don Johnson, LOL.

Gotta get me some street riding pants other than MotoPort Kevlar!

She's a beauty!

When the bogey went low, I went high, swept underneath and shot him outta da sky!

Stop at the Loading Chute for Mud Pie!

The old barn. Wish it was still open Friday nights. Found out recently that Gary Parker passed on, former owner.

Barrie's view of mud pie.

Fun day!

The CBX started waggling the voltmeter again though...

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