Bob made For Sale post on . I followed up. Seems he has a 79 sold in 80 kz1300A1 bought new.
- It was fogged, covered, in garage 1988. Been sitting since
- It was 9+ condition when covered
- Has the 79-80 speedo eg 85 mph max
- Has a 'bunch of stuff' to go with it
- Is buried deep in garage with boxes in rafters
- Has black imron Califia (hopefully) fairing
- Has 7.5 gallon tank new
- New spare head gasket
- LHS alternator kit (like mine!)
- BMW Krauser bags (like mine!)
- S&W air shocks
- Extra carb (singular), 1 trip duece not 3
- Has factory E size carb drawing
- Alternator removal tool
- Saeng Pilot wind screen
- New SS carb brackets
- Last registered 1988
- Has all paperwork pink, etc, clear title
- About 17k miles
- Near Inglewood Space Park