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2022-12-03 Drop FJR on BMW R60/2


This is what happens when you're a Dumb Ass.

I had put a 2x4 under the FJR side stand to make it more vertical for closer stacking of the bikes and for a pathway from shop front to rear.

So I've been working on my little trailer, installing a Condor and winch, needed bolts, located at shop rear.

Snuggling by the FJR, the next thing I see is the FJR, slow motion, falling over onto the /2, knocking it over too, and into my workbench, a solid wood door from a commercial building.

I could hear shit breaking.

My heart, my heart. I don't really care about the 2013 FJR, but the 1969/2 with Wixom Bros fairing? That's irreplaceable.

Attempted to lift the FJR, no phucking way. It's a top heavy bike to start, and I keep both tanks full for storage, so over 11 gallons of fuel.

Not much space between the bikes, and I'm concerned the FJR might 'trap' me should it fall further.

Fortunately the Canyon Cage guards did their job.

In my adrenaline induced rage attempted to lift the FJR. POP. There goes the low back. 
Starting to think the bikes just might stay that way until a few young neighbors arrive home from work.

Then I remember I actually own a 'MotoJack' bike lifter. BTW, it worked GREAT. Just remember to bungee cord the front brake.

With great relief discover NO damage to either bike, especially the /2... I'm very lucky for this Dumb-Ass-Don
human stupid people trick.

The BMW mirror internally loosened the set screw due to excessive rotation. Was able to fix it.

Lesson learned? Don't be a DAD. Leave bikes on the side stand with a nice lean to prevent tip-over.

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