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2022-12-17 Practice Parking - San Simeon - Morro Bay Recon run

Well, a new-to-me 25 foot toy hauler and I'm 'not tht good at backing up syndrome'...

So, on a Barries Boyz ride decided to check out both San Simeon and Morro Bay state parks.

Particulary, looking for easy to back into spots.

Don't wanna be 'that guy' at the campground, LOL.

On the bike, WABS, overlooking Morro Bay from the 'highlands'.

San Simeon, upper campgrounds, Washburn. Primitive camping. Best of all, the spots look fairly 'open' to my novice backing up skills...

Hmm. This one ain't gonna work....

These are looking better! Ended up choosing the site to right of rig. 

This one was more level, but harder to cut into.

San Simeon lower campground. 

WTFO? If this guy can do it? Then again, he might have driven big rigs all this life for all I know...

Enough of San Simeon.. off to Morro Bay where they have some pull throughs with hookups!

Could not believe the number of open spots... so got on the web and found this is actuall a good time of year. ReserveCaifornia.

Well, my laptop batter is runnign low. No power here tonight at San Simeon so good night boyz and gurls.

BTW, it's Christmas 2023!



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