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2023-01-26 KrZy8 DriveShaft Maint


Krzy8's been sitting for sometime.. an outage, then heavy rain for weeks on end, and stored outdoors under covers...

She deserves some love.

So let's look at the final drive..

Pulled the LHS exhaust, shift mechanism, and plastic cover in driveshaft U-Joint area.

Here's the U-Joint.. looks ok for all the miles.. some grease in there..
This side couples to tranmssion output shaft.

Don't know why I didn't get pic of other side. Sigh.

However, these splines coupe to U-Joint 'other side' of above pic and are dry.

Final drive hub looks good as it should.. it's serviced every tire change.

Cleaned up with wire brush and Suspension Cleaner.

Interesting to see the machined area allowing for easier coupling of drive shaft splines to U-Joint.


More pics to follow.

x xxxxxx




2023-01-27 More Final Drive Maint on KrZy8

There's a problem with this pic.. Installed drive shaft and pumpkin... Forgot the plastic cover. Ack.. Off it comes again.

Servicing the relay link. Bolt won't come out this direction. Need to buy new one, Sawzall this one off.

Thought I had done this work earlier in time, maybe on the 2013 FJR?

Pivot bushings are shot. Maybe they really do have 250k miles on them?

The 'unloaded side' of the bushing has no damage.

The other dog bone bushing. It too is toast.

Cleaned up.

This hole used an odd-sized plastic 'pin-push-button' to affix the plastic guard.
It broke when removed, I didn't want time delay awaiting new part...
So tapped it for a bolt.

Much better!

Almost done. Need to clean and lube shift linkage, install.

Somewhere I have a new relay link with zerk fitting retrofitted. When new bolt arrives I'll install it.

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