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2023-02-10 Lil Trailer Extension Ramp



My 'Lil Trlailer' has too steep of angle on tailgate.

My little stubby legs don't reach the ground when loading bikes AND concerns around high-centering exist.

My local fabricator moved to Az to escape Kali politics.. but ran into Tadd, an old bud from 'back at the Long Branch' days.

A little blurry, but about 44" long.

Too steep. Afraid I'll drop and or get trapped under a heavy bike...

Hmm, that's better.

Looks like stock-sized rectangular tubing was used.

Down at the metal scrap file found this extension from another project. That angle is workable.

Just short of doubling the overall length.

Makes for a tall tailgate though.. Maybe a heavy duty hinge? I don't want an extension going into the female tubing as it sure as heck would bind.

That's not really all that bad? Still lower in height than my Carson X trailer...

Time will tell. More later.


Finally got his correct email..

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