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2023-03-04 Barry-Don North County Winter Ride


It appears there are only two MEN in Barrie's Boyz.

Yep. Me n' Barrie. The rest are pussies, with mangina's... either it's too cold, my wife has my balls in her purse, or some other lame excuse.. LOL.

Ok, so it wasn't exactly 78F outside. OK, so we rode through a torrential rainstorm, complete with golf ball sized hail, that turned to ice and snow. 

Here, you see the melting ice and snow thundering over Lake Naci spillway.

How did that guy get that camper up that hill?

Right before the ice, hail and snow...

The un-nice ranger would not let us into South Shore campground. Said it was to icy to continue on motobikes.. but if we gave them ten bucks, it would be ok, wink wink.

So Barrie said his name was Steve Sylvester, and Phuck Off, we aren't paying extortion just to look at your lake. Oh and BTW, me, Steve Sylvester, is 
going to write a a 'sternly written letter' to your supervisor... LOL, that Steve is a bad-ass...

So me n my MAN da Barrienator, slogged on with our epic ride. Here you can see the snow packed in... it did melt quickly, and the river did rise.
Fortunately, we barely made it across before the bridge collapsed.. and then some lady with a kid tried to cross, but, being the super hero manly-men we
are, we stopped her from a terrible mistake.

Investment opportunity for those who have recently lost there ass due to the Biden administration's handling of, well, *everything*... For Sale.

Took a pic so you know who to call.

The pic doesn't do justice, the poppies are starting to arrive. Superbloom on the Carizzo?

What makes a great day even better? When Barrie buys your lunch! You Boyz should have been there! JSNS!

Thanks for being a Manly-Man B-Man, you know how to wear 'Big Boi Panties', LOL.  

The End


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