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2023-03-24 Kz Busso Pipes Arrive Damaged


2023-03-24 Kz Busso Pipes Arrive Damaged

Found a nice set of Busso mufflers for the 81 Kz1300.

Found it on a Kz1300 FB page.. I had just been burned by a scammer from the same page, was reluctan.

But a nice English bloke by name of Russ Foggan seemed legit so for 600 USD shipped, got some nice pipes! 

UhOh box looks like it was dropped.

Well, crap.

It was packed nicely, even with a doggie treat. 
Found out later wife and he are into dog rescues.

Ok, not too bnad... 

Most of that area is hidden by an ugly clamp...

..and Russ says this is intentional.

Thought about making a USPS claim, but Russ would have to produce original receipt and he just moved to Isle of Mann. So screw it.

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