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2023-06-07 Coast Dead End Ride



Dead End Ride Up the Coast


June gloom has set in. Gray days. Maybe this is why 'Barrie's Boyz' rider participation is down. 

Four of us met in Santa Margarita, Clement Salvadori, Ken F, Kurt, Barrie C, Me. Make it five of us.

Kurt no longer rides, Clem rarely rides with us but likes the BS session, so 3 of us headed up the coast.


Riding across 46 East we ran into many bicycle riders. Some kind of gay pride ride or something.


Right about here noticed my clutch lever was 'soft', clutch not fully disengaging.
Shifting becoming more and more difficult.,

Kind of a dreary day but it beats mowing weeds.

The seal rookery had another sold out crowd of peeps.

Soon enough it will be 100+ F and we'll be complaining about how hot and dry it is. So enjoy the cool day today, Don.

Zero traffic due to hiway being closed ahead.

Even the straight aways are N I C E.

Hillside repair from last winter's rainy season.

By now I'm only clutching when needed, using the Brian Bailey clutchless shifting method.

Ragged Point, biz is sloooow.

Might be vacancies now...

Quiet. It was nice.

Ken and Barrie continued to road's end.
I turned tail back to Cambria. No cell phone reception ahead and soft clutch and all.

'Discretion is the better part of valor'.

Meandered in 4th gear, 55 mph, to eliminate need to clutch.

Slower speed = better quality pictures!

Make lemonade when life rains lemons on you?

Made it safe to Cambria gas station, bought DOT4 brakefluid. 
The reservoir was essentially empty. Hmmm.

Rode to Lin's Cafe, had a bowl of clam chowder followed by German chocolate pie.

The first 'outing' with the big FJR and small trailer was a success.

The End



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