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2023-07-30 Host Camper Drives Away


2023-07-30 Host Camper Drives Away

My baby is gone. 2007 Host Raineer 9.6 foot, dual slide camper has sold and is gone. 

Lauri Ridgeway from Shandon, CA got her.

A local company, TAPS was supposed to install frame mounted camper tie down kit, but they lied.. 

Meaning my FastGun tie down clamps didin't work. Had to get creative with ratchet straps, chains, clevis, and turnbuckles. Sigh.

2006 Dodge Ram 3500 with manual trans. Kinda of a beater, hope the camper doesn't look like shit in 2 years..

Really hated to see her be driven away, but the 18k is nice to have and will fund horsepower and other upgrades for the 2012 Dodge 3500.



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