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2022-08-12 N County Fun Ride


2022-08-12 N County Fun Ride

Fun Day Today. 

Several reasons why.

  1. I report back to work soon, which enhances my free time appreciation factor by 100x
  2. Dave Schwabb rode Barries FZ09 and was hauling ASS unlike when he's on his 200k+ HD with stock worn out suspension (sorry Dav
  3. We changed the route for Taft out-and-back due to heat. Rather, rode bitchen back roads in North County. Perfect!

No pics, camera in repair shop jail waiting parts from Japan Canon. Sigh.
But the Boyz took some pics, I'll post this on FB, maybe they can add pics and comments there.

172 miles of back road fun!

Not sure where the Boyz went after NaciFegi road. They headed east toward Paso, I went west. 
Chimney Rock, Adeliade, 46, Old Creek, 41 to home after getting a load of sweet strawberries and blueberries from the vendor lady.

As Ken F said, "It's great to live where we do. The backroads have very little traffic."

The End.



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