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2023-08-23 Mill Creek Picnic Ride



2023-08-23 Mill Creek Picnic Ride

Hot inland. Nice cool dry foggy ride to end of hiway 1 and a Mill Creek picnic.

Dave is test riding Bill S's GSA..

Dave looks good on the GSA.

Six riders.

Dave has worn out his 2 Harleys... and needs a new ride.

Picnic time. BTW, the home made sammywiches from Templeton store are GOOD!

Dave is such a better, and SAFER rider on the GSA. It actually can corner, has great suspension.

Today's route.



Pics from Ken Friend, Thanks Bud!

 Who is that bow-legged phucker at far left?

Ken always catches me putting my helmet on, LOL.

I gotta lose some weight..sigh.

David Schwab looks like he's having fun on the GSA.

Road stop. No biggie.



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