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2023-08-26 CBX Local Ride


2023-08-26 CBX Local Ride

Reality hits. I have 3 more free days before contract gig starts.

Need to get moto bikes squared away, out of weather, while I'm working.

CBX in shop, long time no ride. 

Normally, I check EVERY thing before a ride on an old bike.

Tire pressures, fork pressures, rear shock pressure, clutch actuation, brake response.

Fuck it. 

Not this time.

Stupid as Shit, I know.

Meet up point, Santa Margarita, CA. Who was 'Santa Margarita', anyway?

Oh shit, I found Santa Margarita, aka Clement Salvadori. 
I love this guy. Not that kind of love, asshole.
He's a gentle spirit with some current contrarian issues. 
Like all of us, not perfect, but working on shit.

Hang in there, 'Cement'.

The CBX.  Painfully stock. Rear shock needs be replaced and shelved. To keep it operational for future sell. 
They are only original once. 
I've been offered stupid money for this bike and turned it down.
I mean F@#$23ingh STUPID money. 

There is always one who sees the camera!
Good job Ken Friend..

Today was an 'AirHead' ride. Meaning old air cooled bikes. Barrie on his and Don on his. Me on the CBX.
We let Ken and Jim ride there newer water cooled machines too.!

Lunch in Cambria, always good.
Main Street Grill.

After eating, other bikes joined our parking spot. 790 KTM's and a Tenere. They all applauded as I rode off on the CBX. Pretty cool.

Photo Op pics at Atascadero Lake.

She is still freaking out with a charging problem.. Gotta work on that.

But for now, live the moment, enjoy it. Don't over think it, which is what I do. All the fucking time.

The CBX 'naked' bikes are more valuable. But I love the <limited> capacity to carry <some? stuff...

 Might be the best pic..

Stopped at Mickey D's for a sammywich burger, saw this good looking bike through the window..

MPG average for the day. With 5.8 gallon tank, more than 220 per tank?

The freaking end.


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