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2023-08-24 CBX Porn Pics


2023-08-24 CBX Porn

Some pics of a painfully stock 1981 Honda CBX on the lift at sunset.

13,000+ miles. 

I'm the 3rd owner.

Stock exhaust.

..and warning labels intact.

Every moving point disassembled, cleaned, inspected, re-lubed. Swing arm, triple tree, levers, wheel bearings, blah blah blah.

Valve clearances checked and adjusted as needed to optimize. None out of spec.

Valve cover non OEM replacements dissapointing. Cracking after 2 years.

Pure porn. Yes, the valve cover shows some pitting. Not going to chrome it. Only original once..

Back before O and X-ring chains existed. Cell phones too

Happy the first two owners did NOT remove warning labels. I think they add to the bike.

Stickers stil in great shape too.

Love the contours. Look and feel. Sound and power delivery.

CBX's look like they are fast even when sitting on the lift!

I remember my Uncle Dutch bitching about "Jap Crap". No cultural disrespect meant. By 1981, Honda is PROUD to state country of origin...

Rebuilt carbs working purrfectly. Idle to redline.

Well, that's it. Love this bike.

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