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2023-11-25 Ragged Point - Wabs Rolls 103,000 Miles


2023-11-25 Ragged Point on Wabs

Barrie's Boyz has reduced to Barries-One-Boy, LOL.

Only Barrie and I rode today. Everyone else had some lame-ass excuse.. cool

At least Clement Salvadori was man enough to meet us for coffee and BS at the porch in Santa Margarita.

Even though he did drive his truck there. 

Clem mentioned something about 42 degrees F was / is too cold ride...

A major milestone for Wabs, the Itty-Bitty-Six-Fiddy, 103,000 miles, OEM engine.

The day did NOT dissapoint. The pack didn't get lost, the potty stops were purrfect.

OK scenery too. The Pacific was angry, big waves.

Destination? Ragged Point. Then hang a U turn, head south to the Sea Shanty for Clam Chowder and a Hot Fudge Sunday.

Entering Ragged Point. HiWay 1 is closed between Limekiln State Park to the south, and .6 miles south of the town of Lucia to the north

Yep, it truly sucked.

Overall ambient temps were 50's to mid 60's. Heated jacket on 8 most all day.

Look close, see the can with wires? I bet some AT&T retirees could fix that...

I should have stopped to take better pics, the waves were magnificient.

What with Hamas and Israel killing each other, Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, and the US presidential mess, it's good to just observe and be with mother nature.

I like this one!

Morro Rock at center.

By now, with our leisurely pace, I'm getting hungry. Good thing the 

Sea Shanty is just south of us!

Barrie, looking for Tofu and Greens on the menu.. kiss

On the other hand, a Hot Fudge Sunday fills the bill too.

Along with Clam Chowdah, of course!

And that's about it. Barrie heads south, I head East.

Sweet ol' Wabs. TwoWheelNuts old bike. Miss that guy.

Thanks for reading along. 


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