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2023-12-06 CBX Ride - Over Charging - Still Good


Well, the old girl got a new top o da line Yuasa battery.
Maybe that will help the over charging issue?


Not sure what's going on. 
But with stock alterntor, 14.6 all the time.
With Tim's CBX Zx7 conversion, 18+

Put a new top o da line Yuasa battery in.

Volts low until a few miles in.. then the RR kicks in.
OEM unit.

I have to figure this out. 
After about 30 minutes running, the voltmeter 'wiggles' approx 5 or so volts.
I installed cheap digital voltmeter across the battery, it reads 14.6.
Too high, IMHO, for stock alterntor.

It was ain AirHead Day

Turned 14k miles!Blah Blah.

Took her by the healing church. No luck. Still overcharging.

Yep. Tired of this shit.

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