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2023-12-08 KZ1300 DG 6-1 Exhaust <Almost> Installed


2023-12-08 KZ1300 DG 6-1 Exhaust <Almost> Installed

Been dreading this moment. Ray had told me what a PITA it was to stab all six headers into the collector.
Yet here we are.

Making it worse, the CermaKote process added thickness to an already too tight fit. Used a Dremel to reduce OD at slip joint and header flange area.

Brand new exhaust gaskets.

Not as shiny as chrome. But most of it is hidden anyway.. Radiator, fan, etc. These have sitting outside for about 6 months..
Some of the shine has diminished over time.

Turns out the collector and header pipe are marked with cylinder number. 
Install order is 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6.

Got all the way here, got the exhaust gaskets in place, used a rubber mallet to 'seat' everything...

Then discovered I forgot the 'collars'. Acck.  

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