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2023-05-19 BumbleBee Ride and Yellow Truck


 2023-05-19 Bumblee Ride Atascadero and Yellow Truck

Salinas River, south end of Atascadero.

Still a little water from the heavy winter.

The Salinas is an 'underground' river during most months.

And, it flows from South to North.

Atascadero Lake.

For years, this lake looked like pond scum. No water.

The 1978 DT125E is running GREAT!

We're doing our best to abate mosquitoes!


Rode all over town, even played in the ultra wealthy hood of A-Town hills. 
Love leaving pretty blue smoke in the wind!

The Bumblebee is a bit too slow for hiway 41... 

Atascadero park was having a car club meet. 

I should buy this truck, but BumbleBee in the back, then cruise the strip.

Hey, it's for sale!

Only problem might be... will the bike fit?

Fun Day. Thanks for Reading Along.



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