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2023-12-14 Sylvester's 50% Off Lunch


2023-12-14 Sylvester's 50% Off Lunch

Don Smith discovered a 50% off lunch deal at Sylvesters Burger Bar..

Chilly AM start, 34F.

Meet at the porch.

Fun to ride the Big Gurl, aka KrZy8 again!

Barrie C and crew.

Turning green.

Peachy Canyon Rd. RIP Rick Oliver.

Brian L right behind!

Pee break.

Ken Friend playing peek-a-boo. Or Ninja Warrior?

Suzuki Dave. Formerly known as Harley Dave.

Nice texture to this plowed field.

Old knarly tree. And Men.

Old Creek Road.

Whale Rock reservoir. 

Stumbled across Jeff Koskie riding his Norton!

Turri Rd.

Followed this trailer all the way from A-Town. No Hurries. No Worries.

The End.



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