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2023-07-23 Malcom Roe


Local Ride to Malcom Roe's Speedway Mooseum.

The local group, Coast Riders, decided to invade Malcom Roe and his abode. How best to drool, install boogers, and listen to a Speedway Legend?


Not knowing much (anything) about Speedway, I was ALL ears.

Apparently, none of these other bums knew much about Speedway either!

Malcom explained the different types of racing... and bikes to meet the track. Grass tracks, Long tracks, I don't honestly recall.

Malcom and I have something in common! We both have won races at Paso Fairgrounds..

Coolio stuff all around.

Hadn't seen this before.. but is that little finger mangled? Perhaps from a wreck or two?

That box, with custom plate to support timing gears? Don't know if OEM or if that was 4 weeks pay, back in the day.

IIRC, 2 speed boxes. One for launch, then 2nd gear forever, Baby!

The problem with posting later is you forget all the cool comments. What makes this head so special? Compression ratio? RPM? Piston speed?

Ah, beautiful gurrls we all understand and love!

Should have done more with this.
Maybe I'll ask Malcom for a ride..



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