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2024-01-10 Industrial Eats - Naomi



2024-01-10 Industrial Eats Ride on Naomi

Last ride was cold and wet foggy. About 12 showed up. This ride, nice and sunny, South county. Three Riders. WTFO?

Headed to Harris Grade.

Zero traffic. And I mean zero.

Yeah, this sucks.

Thought we were riding to Jalama Beach. But Barrie, will Barrie's nose leads the way. No Jalama today.

Some kind of Pepper growing there.

A bit brisk, but a heated jacket is all one needs.

From peppers to lemon trees to grapes.

Barrie, a man truly outstanding his field. DonW, this is the AirHead you helped me with. :)

Fun to ride the 'young gun' bike again. Finally got into the ride rotation.

Barrie and Don say hi.

The beef brisket was excellent. Homemade cole slaw too.

Old Glory still waves. Headed home. Fun Day. More should have come out to ride.

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