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2011-08-11 NERDS Creston CA to Mesquite NV

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Overall route..

Foggy and cool early morning ride to work.
Nagging feeling that I really should fix the water system before leaving for 3 weeks..

Starting mileage

The Cal Poly P at work..

LOL, first roadside construction - on the way back home to fix the water..

A new filter and o ring will ensure msDcarver has water.

First stop - had to call Pops, other family issues going on... that's water under KrZy8 - from refilling my cooler thingie.

Tehachapi windmills.

Tehachapi choo-choo train.

Infamous Zzyzx Road!

Worlds largest thermometer, Baker, CA

Nevada! Hello RenoJohn-land!

Low class hotel.

Sure, I'll stop..

Almost a full moon.. I15 north of Vegas, heading towards Mesquite, NV

Classing the joint of Mesquite, NV

Final results... day 1.


My freaking back is killing me.. and I have to fix the right headllight, the bulb is kitty-wompus in the lense, shining almost straight up.. Maybe the techday at Nerdville someone can lend a small hand?

Put a fork in me, I'm done.. It's 10:30 and still 95F outside..

Oh, the cool vest worked really really great!

2011-08-12 NERDS Mesquite NV to Lochbuie CO

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