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2024-01-29 KZ1300 Cam Lobe Valve Adjustment


2024-01-29 Kz1300 Cam Lobe Position and Valve Adjustment

Last time I adjusted valves, did it 'by the book'. Removed RHS alternator cover, matched timing marks, did work.

Had small oil leak at valve cover rubber cap, off comes the cover. Hmmm, let's QC my previous work and measure valves again. 

The bike has approx 30 minutes run time now since valve adjustment.

...but don't really want to remove the RHS alternator cover. It's difficult to keep drip free, and she's sealed up good right now.

(RHS cover has alternator wire grommet at bottom, LHS sub alternator the grommet is higher up, less likely to leak)

Rather, since I have to inspect the starter motor clutch, pull that cover, rotate crankshft on that side...

But what about the timing marks? 

What would happen if one simply pointed the lobe to top side, at same angle as valve stem?

In other words, position cam 'heel' at bottom. 

Is that a legit process?

I think yes.

Starting position. Clearance measured as .203 mm.

Ending position. All points between start and end measured .203mm which matches exactly to my As Left measurement 
after valve adjustment.

I repeated this test on 5 more valves, intake and exhaust, same result. 

Indicates to me that 1979 kz1300 A1 cam shafts have symmetrical 'heels' and using timing marks is not required.

Called a bud who's been a tech since dirt asked the same question. He replied that most Japanese bikes this technique is valid.

But not all. Honda CBX is an example where this won't work.

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