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2024-03-15 Honda Car Looking Good


Dear Mom,

Thought I'd take a moment to let you know I'm still alive and fine, looking GOOD too!

I recently received new brake pads and rotors, new master relay, new distributor, air and oil filters, oil, fuel injectors, and a new to me brain (car computer). I also got three new temperature sensors!

Needless to say, I'm running GREAT at 160,000 miles. My new owner says I might also get a new muffler, one that makes a tad bit more noise so I can scare off all those silly frilly hissy sissy electric cars!

I hope you guys are doing good too!

...and next week I get a full detail job done by the pro's! Hey, a gal has to look good, yes?

LOL, hope you enjoyed this Deb. The little HondaCar got to the point where she wouldn't start after it warmed up. It took myself and two Honda shops to figure the problems out. After replacing a bunch of parts, the car is running GREAT!

I report back to work on the 25th, and not knowing if she would be running reliable again went out and bought a used Honda FIT. Lil' Honda Car heard about that instantly snapped into running order!

Take care guys,



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