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2024-06-08 Lake Ride Steve Leads


2024-06-08 Lake Ride Steve Leads

What a fun day and ride! First 'good' ride since working 2R24 outage.

Last Wed, got the 2006 FJR, KrZy8, prepped to ride. Next morning, dead battery.

Man, they just don't make batteries like the used too

Ordered new battery. Oh, snap. Looks like that battery was installed in 2017! Time flys by.

LA Panza road looking North. Hiway 41 ahead.

Meetup in Santa Margarita, CA. Good to see Clement Salvadori and Kurt too! Kurt is turning 80 and for his birthday is taking his off-road on a road trip 
to the Moab area!

I wonder if the store will EVER open again?

New bridge being built on north end of Atascadero, CA

Dirt road river crossing to Rocky Canyon Rd

Salinas river looking north.

Just ahead, Paso Robles, CA

Headed north to River Rd. Like the cage plate!

River Road.

River Road around where the Baxter Ranch is.

Left to San Miguel, Right to Parkfield.

Those damn Trump lovers are everywhere, I tell yah!

Kinda a cobby road but we have worse roads in the county. 

Interesting topography. From green farm fields, vineyards, to dry farming hay.

Pee break on Hare Canyon Rd

Salinas river

Headed to the Lake.

That's one big cock right there!

Lake Naciemeinto. Good to see it with water.

Good pizza at Rock N Robles. 

The Boyz turned left for the freeway. I wasn't done riding, turned right headed to Adelaide Rd. Last week I left the Boyz by accident, I turned left, 
they went right. This ride I reversed it, they went left, I went right!

Nice cool day due to marine layer influence on coast. You can see it spilling over the mountains.

Paso Olivos olive oil to the left. Good stuff.

First cut of the season and hay allergies are running at 12 on a 10 scale!

Simply beautiful

Looking East

Peachy Canyon Rd. This is the spot our bud Rick Oliver crashed and died. RIP Rick.

New hotel going up in Paso Robles. Near Robbins Field, about 8th street? IIRC?

Crossed through 193k miles. This is the third odo, the bike has well over 260k miles. Two engines. First one got 'sanded' down due to dealer not plugging fuel 
hoses thus allowing unfiltered air into cylinders. Sigh.

Linne Rd

Still to early to head home. Alex Trebeck used to own this ranch, stud-farm, now turned into a vineyard!

Into the high dollar zone of Loma Linda Rd. 

Picked up mail, returned to house to watch outdoor MX, a GREAT day!

Thanks for reading along.

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