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2024-06-26 Pozo-Creston


Hot days so shorter rides.

Meet in Santa Margarita.


Hardly ever see another motobike on the dirt road. Sometimes a guy named Scottie, on a wacked out Harley.
Today, neighbor Jeff on his mighty KTM 790. Looks like new tire time!

Leaving Santa Margarita

Pozo road. I hit traffic delays on 14 corners, workers doing 'Fence to Fence' trimming. 20 minute wait.


Every RR has to have a barn

On the 690 KTM, almost left the Boyz to ride High Mountain Road

But I'm a loyal Barries Boyz Boy so kept grinding my 2012 full knobbie tire kitted 690 on the pavement.

Ken Friend ahead of me

Still a wee bit o' green. It's late June, will look again late July

Sure a far cry from Truro street, Inglewood, CA. Just sayin'

Past the most pristine propery in the north county. Mr. Clean has it goin' on

A wonderful lunch at Loading Chute. The mushroom burger was best!

Out of sequence. Forgot I had some pics taken on iPhone.
Clement Salvador. Looking good 'Cement'!

"Did you just take a picture of me?" asked Clem.
No I said, and took this one too!

Earlier I said the mushroom burger was BEST. Barrie disagreed!

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