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2024-07-13 Kz1300 - PickUp Bobs Beauty


Many months ago, as in, IIRC, 2 years ago, a guy named 'Bob' posted on he had a 79A1 for sale. I contacted Bob. Liked him. Retired TRW engineer, smart, with humor. Then, as often happens,  life. Work for me, some medical stuff for him, some laziness on my part. So time passed. But we texted or called infrequently, kept the 'deal' alive.

Bob bought the KZ new. Being an engineer, he made some minor improvements. And, being a multi-talented engineer, (mechanical, electronic, machinist) he was also smart enough to buy spare KZ OEM parts that 'statistically might be required for subsuquent evolutions'. My words not his but you get the gist of it.

Bob had moved into a new to him house. Parked the bike, after having carbs sync'd and what not, covered it with full intentions of riding it again. Then, life happened.

38 years later, the bike would see daylight. 

What condition would it be in? I respect Bob's privacy and won't say location, but it's a beach town. Then again, covered and indoor stored.  Guess we'll find out.

First things first. 2002 Dodge dually got oil change and wash job. She's a 20 footer truck. Greater than 20 feet looks great.. but fresh spray as the English say is on the schedule.

New tires for the lil trailer. Spare too!

Ok then, daylight is burning. Got hold of my bud Don J who will be my co-pilot.

We arrive. Bike on the left.

38 years later? What will it look like? Georgous, beautiful, or...
Pulled the cover, tried to air the tires.. rock hard with 0 psi... but put *some* PSIGs in.. then...

Well, she's going to take some work. But she has good bones. Tank and fender, cowl will need repaint. Couldn't open gas cap, stuck. Sprayed with WD40, no happiness. Learned from another KZ don't force the key. Deal with it later. Custom seat was actually comfie. Front brake cylinder is bound up. No lever. Would not touch it anyway as caliper pistons would probably not release. At least she's a 'roller'.

Bob finds a 1973 Thomas Map in the Krauser bag. Wow. Bags. My other 79, the one I bought, has Krauser bags and mounts.  But the bags are broken. 
Fairing is Saeng.

That's one big piece o plastic. Bob says the outer edge illuminates when headlight or turn signals are on? Don't remember.

It was hot, and somewhat humid for the phaat boy. Was sweating through t-shirt and starting to feel miserable.

Don J and I felt like American Pickers. We had to drop big-assed boxes full of treasure from the rafters through small openings. Looking at the Saen from this angle... If I cut it down just a bit..
That might work, as Allen Millyard says, 'Perfectly'!

Been awhile since that door was opened!

Then the grind home. LA traffic on Saturday. What a broken transportation system.. Just Sayin'. I should travel to LA every year to remember how lucky I am NOT to live there!

Home, some pics of bike on trailer.

All in all, in better shape than my other 79 when the restoration started.

Tank has small surface rust spots. Hoping it's external not internal rot going through.

Mufflers.. Not sure if new chrome job is possible.. will find out. Would love to keep them if possible.

Krauser bags.

I guess I have a kz1300 addiction.

Pull the swing arm, powder coat it?

S&W air shocks.  No idea if they will hold air. Given modern non-air shock technology, these will most likely be replaced.

Less than 17k miles on engine. She's worth saving.

I imagine the tank is full of rust and carbs need be rebuilt. This time will rebuild myself, as WildGeorge Carbs was a bit uh......

Radiator fins look good.. but what's inside?

All the typical stuff. Calipers, master cylinder, brake lines, tires. Bike is hard to push, so pistons are stuck.

Front fender rust. How bad is it? Time will tell.

So there it is. Another KZ1300 to save.


More later. What the F did I just do?

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