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2024-08-17 Muffler Ride


Fun ride, plan was to leave Santa Margarita, take 58 to Bitterwater Rd to Parkfield.

If Parkfield was busy, head to the lakes and Rockin' Robles for pizza.

But plans..


Rosie Hebron allows me to park at the Creston Community Center.

Clem and barrie get ready to ride. Clem doesn't ride with us, but likes to meet up.

Don S found a curious wannabe..

My friends used to own this ranch. Alan and Teresa Stephens.

Funny, I've NEVER seen a truck leaving the 'quarry'? Maybe an illegal going on?

Oopsie. The plan falls apart when the muffler bolt departs..

No big deal, hang a U-ie head back to Creston (and closer to my truck and trailer!)

Thanks to Brian L for being creative with a temporary fix to get Barrie C home..

That is all.



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