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2024-08-28 Wabs Shift Road Fix


What can you fix with a battery post clip, two ty-wraps and 10 inches of electrical tape?

The shift lever that fell off when the circlip dislodged!

On a Barries Boyz ride to Pine Mountain, went to down shift, nothing there! No lever. Acck!

No worries, Mr. McGyver showed up and came up with a fix.. 

That lasted all day across Pine Mountain, and the hiway 58 twisties, 952 shifts in all!

I noted the curve of the clamp was about the same as the shaft OD. And the 'edge' was skinny enough to fit
into the circlip groove! Perfect!

To keep it in place, two ty-wraps.

HMM. Wish I could ty-wrap the clip at the end, the open end.

Hmmm again. Electrical tap is kind of 'stretchy' Why not try it?



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